Make a Great Escape With Chris Evans to Give More Kids a Chance to Escape Cancer
November 6, 2019 By Chris B.

Win a Chance to Take Part in an Escape Room Adventure While Helping the Families of Christopher's Haven.
Photo by: paasadani
Christopher's Haven, a unique community shelter and support system for families coping with pediatric cancer, today announced its latest charity campaign in the battle against childhood cancer, and its latest partnership with actor Chris Evans. Through donations, fans will have a chance for themselves and three friends, to participate with Chris in an escape room adventure of a lifetime, as well as revel in their collective daring do over burgers and beer afterward. But like the escape room, the clock is ticking so potential players need to act fast before the campaign closes.
In his movies, Chris has faced all sorts of danger and traps, but the real world scourge of cancer is more than his superhero personas can handle alone. For Christopher's Haven, heroism is seen every day in its halls by the children and families that battle cancer on a daily basis. Contributions and community are what provide the power to fight back and triumph. To date, more than 300 families have stayed in fully-furnished and equipped apartments located across the street from Massachusetts General Hospital.
The winning team will join Chris in solving a murder, get locked up in a haunted house, rob a bank or maybe even solve a murder in a haunted bank. No matter how it plays out, it will be an unforgettable night. Even though only one team gets to participate in this great escape, everyone wins. Depending on contribution level, there will be thank you prizes -- from keychains and shirts to posters and other superhero memorabilia.
Hosted on Omaze platform that has powered star-studded experience campaigns for more than 125 charities, the Escape with Chris Evans' campaign already has tremendous momentum. A donation of $10 buys 100 entries to win. More information and donations can be made here on Omaze.
"Superhuman powers make for great movies but in real life, so many feel powerless against an enemy like cancer," said Executive Director Joyce Duvall at Christopher's Haven. "At Christopher's Haven, our goal is give power to the children and families who face that foe. Chris has made it his mission to help superpower our efforts and his help has been immeasurable. This campaign is another milestone in the daily battles and the lifelong war we and the families fight and we're winning more each day. Please join us in this, and all our efforts, and start planning your escape!"
About Christopher's Haven
Founded on Labor Day 2006, Christopher's Haven is a 501(c)(3) organization located in Boston, Massachusetts with a mission to operate a supportive community consisting of seven temporary apartments and a community recreation area for families of children being treated for cancer in nearby Boston hospitals. Christopher's Haven holds the distinction of being the only organization of its kind that offers an apartment setting for the entire family, specific programs and activities for children undergoing outpatient treatment, as well as programs for siblings and parents, and takes full advantage -- through the help of an extensive volunteer network -- of both the unparalleled medical and cultural advantages of Boston.