
10 Things to Keep in Mind Before Playing an Escape Game


Escape Games have become a popular new trend, giving tons of people a challenge that they're oh so sure they can complete. Some rooms are more difficult than others, but it's best to know what you're getting yourself into before making plans to check one out.

So if you're an Escape Game beginner, take a peek at these helpful things to keep in mind before you take on the challenge.

  • Know What An Escape Game Is.
    If you're headed out with a group and they decide to try out an Escape Game, you should probably do some research on the way over to know what's in store!

  • They're Challenging
    Realize that even though you may be good at solving puzzles, Escape Games are created to stump you. The designers have gone above and beyond to assure the room is challenging for visitors.

  • Your Escape Game Crew is Important
    Before trying out an Escape Game, make sure the people you're playing with will work together and listen to one another's opinions and ideas. The last thing you want with a few minutes left on the clock is someone who makes the challenge more difficult for the group.

  • Dress the Part
    Be sure to dress comfortably when taking on an Escape Room, as you may just find yourself crawling on the floor or looking underneath things. Remember, the clues will not be easy to find!

  • Speak Up
    If you're normally a pretty shy person, remember that your team is relying on you. If you find a clue, be sure to say something so your group can be one step closer to escaping on time!

  • Listen
    Along with speaking your mind, it's also important to listen to your teammates and what ideas they may have. Listening to one another and working together as a team is the key ingredient to making it out in time.

  • Don't be a Sore Loser
    If your team doesn't make it out in time, or you notice a certain teammate doing better than you, it's important not to get worked up over it. Put any energy you feel during the game, into finding clues and solving the challenge.

  • Try the Obvious First
    Although most clues will be difficult to find, designers know that participants will most likely go straight to looking in weird spots for clues. Don't necessarily skip over something just because you think it may be too easy of a spot. You never know what you'll find where!

  • Have Fun
    One thing to remember while you're challenging yourself, have fun! The Escape Game may be a challenge but it's also meant to be a good time. Don't take it too seriously and remember to be light-hearted about the experience and enjoy yourself.

  • Celebrate
    Whether you win or lose the Escape Game Challenge, celebrate with your group afterwards. You may not be celebrating a victory, but your group worked hard together and did their best to solve the puzzle, which is enough of a reason to celebrate!

Tags: Escape Games, Escape Game tips, Escape Game fun, Escape Game pointers, Escape Rooms, Escape Room tips, Escape Room pointers

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